The places you need
for the life you want.

Before design, before architecture, before buildings even, there are people.

PHAEDA STUDIO recognizes the responsibility it has to the people who will live, work and play in the places it creates. Our priority is the human one - designing spaces that people will want to experience rather than simply occupy.

This means embracing the widest spectrum of cultures, ideas and thinking, so that no-one is excluded and both individuals and communities are brought together through inspirational spaces that add to the quality of their lives.

In a world facing the critical issues of climate change, social justice, equity and inclusion, our approach has never been more fundamental.

Purposeful, transformative and full of possibilities, we create the places you need for the life you want.


1155 Avenue of the Americas

Hudson Arts Building

Confidential Finance Company

Shanghai JKS Arts and Cultural Center

LinkedIn Middlefield Campus

Major League Baseball Headquarters


Michael Doyle - Associate

Melissa Duffy - Principal

Jordan Evans - Associate Principal

Maryana Fleurov - Associate

David Franknecht - Associate Principal

Rebecca Frederick - Associate


588 Broadway, Suite 702 New York, NY 10012

212 - 431 - 4512